iTeens 2011 Team: Asian Invasion

Name: Carmen H.
Hobbies: reading,Playing the piano,Playing with Maxx,eating,going on the computer,shopping at Bluenotes. o___o yeah. That's all...
Favorite colors: Blue,Purple,Orange,Black,Gween.

About Maxx!!!!
Maxxs is a Rhodesian Ridgeback. A rare breed that hunts lions in Africa. His favorite toy is a rubber duck. He's really hyper and crazy,,. that's why he is my dog ~ <3 


Today I went to the park to play was too epic so i didn't really pay attention. o3o I was too busy talking about Harry potter with Summer. 
Today was really fun!!! When I come home I plan to play with Maxx and write in my blog (not this one.) Anyways, I'm so excited for gr.6!!!! I already bought all my school supplies! I reallyt want my own laptop but my dad is like " You'll get killed if you share info with strangers!!!!!!" and I was like "Yah...thanx for the tip..." then went up in my room. My dad didnt even let me bring HIS laptop to school. o____o 
I hope I get one soon though. ;( . Summer gets one!!!! Sometimes I wih I'm just a bit luckier....but its okay. :D I'm going to keep asking him for one until he agrees to get me one or at lease let me use his.

Today we went to the park to play kickball and it was sooo epic!!! I mean me and |

I'm so tired!!!!I just went to the park to take pictures.After,I played octopus.It was REALLY FUN !! I also saw some cute dogs, I petted a German Shepherd but it growled at me. o____o Then, I saw a pug and lab mix, it was so small! Also, it didn't growl at me. ;D
I mean,Maxx would never growl or bite me. He's really friendly and likes to play.ALOT!
When I get home, i don't know how will I manage to help out in the kitchen with my mom. :(
From now on, i'll just talk more about Maxx. :)
i got Maxx from a farm. He was just born so we adopted him. When we took him and welcomed him, he felt more comfortable but he was still scared. now, he's not even scared when I tell him to do something. he likes to chew on your shirt. His favorite chew toy is a rubber duck my dad bought him.
My dad wants him to be a guard dog when he gets older so he needs to train Maxx alot!
Today was really COOL! I got to make a video on how to draw a cupcake and candy with Katty.

Todeay I went to the park to play skip rope! It was REALLY FWUN! I liked it when I petted the guana. It's skin felt as if it's a piece of plastic!
i want a chameleon so I can see it camoflouge.
Today,we didn't play kickball but that was okay. :D
i ate three slices of pizza and three slices of watermelon today for lunch! It was goooooood!! We did puzzles today as well. Coco and I figured out the whole thing. xD
Also,I learned how to edit photos on Photoshop. i wanna edit maxx's photo when i get home.
Today was really fun and i will look forward to tomorrow!

XD Carmen

Today,we went to Rocky Point to film and stuff. It was okay...and we played ninja!
After we went to the waterpark.I got half wet. ( not too bad) then The other teams came and we played in the park. i look forward to going home. o___o

Today is the last day. I will miss Fueng,Mandy,Emily,JonJon and other people! 
My mom is going to come to see our stuff!